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Today: 05.03.2025 г.

Information for patients

Number of views: 94292

Department of Male Reproductive Health

Territorial program of state guarantees

The rights and responsibilities of patients

A reminder to citizens about the guarantees of free medical care

Order of referral to a counselling clinic

The order of rendering medical assistance to foreign nationals

The rules and duration of hospitalization

The list of surveys for planned hospitalization GBUZ of the Republic of Mordovia "Mordovia Republican Central clinical hospital"

Internal regulations for patients

Paid medical services

Rules of preparation for diagnostic tests

Memo to the population

Independent assessment of the quality of medical organizations

The list and the price list of paid medical services

n/supervision/format/nezavisimaya-sistema-otsenki-kachestva-okazaniya-uslug-meditsinskimi-organizatsiyami/anketa-dlya-otsenki-kachestva-okazaniya-uslug-meditsinskimi-organizatsiyami-nahodyaschimisya-na-territorii-sub-ektov-rossiyskoy-federatsii-gosudarstvennoy-munitsipalnoy-i-chastnoy-form-sobstvennosti">Questionnaire to assess the quality of medical services

Interagency action "Safe window"

Tobacco - basic facts

Recommendations on prevention of novel coronavirus infection

Temporary order establishing the degree of occupational disability

Memo to preserve the rights of citizens to social services in parts of drug supply

Categories of citizens defined by Federal law from 17.07.199, № 178-FZ "On state social aid" have the right to receive social services NSO, including free supply of drugs

Simple ways to keep your heart healthy

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