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Today: 05.03.2025 г.

Information for professionals

Number of views: 25987



Orders of rendering medical care to the population of the Russian Federation (doc)

The organization of work MO primary care to effectively reduce mortality and preserve the health of the population of the Republic of Mordovia (pdf)

"On the implementation of the national project "Health" on the territory of Volga Federal district" (pdf)

FLEK V. O. - Formation and the economic substantiation of territorial programs of state guarantees of free rendering to citizens of medical aid (pdf)

The algorithm of diagnostics of malignant tumors (pdf)

Reminder for doctors - How to communicate with oncopatients (pdf)

"On the implementation of the national project "Health" on the territory of Volga Federal district" (pdf)

Algorithms of actions of the doctor

An outbreak caused by a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV): etiology, epidemiology and prevention

Expert report on the topic: "Russian family: how to preserve traditions and find new meanings?"

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