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dear friends!< / h3>

 Chief Medical Officer< / p> < p>Welcome to the official website of the state budgetary healthcare institution of the Republic of Mordovia «Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital».< / p> < p>Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital – the oldest state medical institution in the Republic of Mordovia, has its history since 1937. Тысячи людей, работавших в разное время в больнице, своим ежедневным самоотверженным трудом вносили свой неоценимый вклад в формирование авторитета и репутации учреждения. During this time, we have established ourselves as an institution to which you can entrust the most valuable thing that a person has-his health! Главной целью нашей работы является предоставление качественной, квалифицированной, а главное, доступной медицинской помощи, соответствующей современным стандартам оказания медицинской помощи. Для достижения этой цели у нас есть все необходимые ресурсы: интеллектуальные, кадровые, финансовые, материально-технические.< / p> < p>currently, MRCKB – is the largest state multidisciplinary medical institution in the Republic of Mordovia, providing specialized inpatient medical care in the main areas of surgery and therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology, including high-tech medical care, as well as consultative and diagnostic assistance to residents of the Republic of Mordovia and nearby regions.< / p> the structure of the Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital includes a hospital with 860 beds and a consultative Polyclinic designed for 500 visits per shift.< / p> < p>the ICRC provides round-the-clock scheduled and emergency assistance. В структуре больницы насчитывается 45 отделений. В больнице работают 1738 сотрудников, в том числе 428 врачей, 694- средний медицинский персонал. Of these, 33 – candidates of Medical Sciences, 1 – doctor of Medical Sciences, 15 - honored employees of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia, 1 - people's doctor, 24 chief freelance specialists in the profiles of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia.< / p> the hospital is located in modern buildings, where comfortable conditions for the stay and treatment of patients are created, which contributes to the speedy recovery of patients, reducing the duration of treatment.< / p>

annually, about 30 thousand patients receive specialized inpatient medical care in the MRCKB. More than 60 thousand patients receive consultative and diagnostic assistance on the basis of the consultative Polyclinic and about 68 thousand patients – on the basis of the Department of reproductive health.< / p> improvement of the material and technical base of the hospital, systematic work on improving personnel potential, development of new medical technologies have allowed specialized medical care to be raised to a higher level - the level of high-tech medical care, thereby increasing the prestige of the health care of the Republic of Mordovia. На сегодняшний день МРЦКБ имеет лицензию на оказание высокотехнологичной медицинской помощи по следующим профилям: нейрохирургии, травматологии и ортопедии, урологии, оториноларингологии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, сердечно-сосудистой хирургии, абдоминальной хирургии, неонатологии, акушерству и гинекологии.< / p> the Perinatal Center is of great importance for the protection of the reproductive health of the population of the Republic, whose tasks are the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, assistance in preserving pregnancy and childbirth, that is, full coverage of the family planning cycle, starting from the moment of conception and ending with postpartum supervision.< / p> one of the components of the successful work of the hospital is the combination of the best traditions of domestic medicine and the active introduction of innovative medical technologies. В последние годы в работу клиники широко внедряются малоинвазивные методы хирургического лечения. Наиболее широкое применение они нашли в гинекологии, урологии, плановой хирургии, оториноларингологии. Внедрение данных методов позволило значительно сократить сроки пребывания больных в стационаре и, как следствие, общие сроки пребывания на больничном листе.< / p>

everyone who comes to our hospital with their own problem will find here an attentive attitude, support and can count on our help. Мы сделаем все возможное для восстановления Вашего здоровья.< / p> a favorable outcome in treatment requires joint efforts and a combination of several factors. On our part – this is a long-standing tradition of the hospital, based on professionalism, responsibility and charity; high qualification and experience of specialists who own advanced technologies. От Вас - необходимы вера в успех и доверие нашему коллективу.< / p>

wishing you good health,< / strong>< / em>< / p>

Chief Physician of GBUZ RM & laquo;Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital»< / strong>< / em>< / p>

Ladyaev С.В.< / strong>< / em>< / p>

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