Medical tourism
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Booklet about GBUZ RM "Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital"
كتيب عن المؤسسة الطبية الحكومية لجمهورية مولدوفا "المستشفى السريري الجمهوري المركزي في موردوفيان"
Our hospital has been operating since 1937. Currently, we provide medical care, including high-tech, in many areas.
Please read the list of VMP services provided and the price list of our medical services
If the medical service you are interested in is not included in the list of VMP services and/or the price list, please contact us by e-mail or by phone +7 834 276 23 99 .
In order to receive a medical service, you can:
- To make a phone call +7 834 276 23 99 and make an appointment
- Personally contact the paid registry of the consultative polyclinic or the medical and diagnostic building
- Write us an email outlining your problem at
Regardless of the form of the request, we will definitely resolve your issue as soon as possible.
We are located at: Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Pobedy str., 14/5, building 1