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Indications for helicopter departure for the purpose of providing medical assistance and conducting sanitary and aviation evacuation

Answer: Administration of GBUZ of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCKB"

General criteria

Criteria for the use of helicopters:
- climatic and geographical features of the scene of the accident, inaccessibility or inaccessibility for road ambulance transport;
- the scale of the incident (emergency situations) that do not allow mobile emergency medical teams to eliminate its medical and sanitary consequences on their own within the established time frame;
- the need for sanitary and aviation evacuation from the scene of a road accident of victims who need specialized (including high-tech) medical care in multi-specialty (specialized) hospitals;
- the need to provide specialized (including high-tech) medical care in multi-specialty (specialized) hospitals if it is impossible to provide medical care in accordance with the procedure (in agreement with the host medical organization);
- emergency delivery of medical workers, medicines and medical devices, blood products and (or) its components, consumables and other medical supplies necessary to save the lives of patients to the place of an emergency, road traffic accident and to a medical organization;
Criteria for not using helicopters
- agonal state;
- coma;
- adverse weather conditions

Additional criteria

Providing medical care for acute coronary syndrome

Indications for helicopter departure
- acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation on an ECG without thrombolytic therapy (hereinafter referred to as TLT) - the first 12 hours from the onset of the attack - for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (hereinafter referred to as PCI);
- acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation on ECG after TLT within 24 hours after TLT;
- for primary delayed PCI after TLT;
- acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation on an ECG with the development of cardiogenic shock, and/or acute left ventricular failure, and/or complete atrioventricular block, and/or post - infarction ventricular septal defect - if it is possible to maintain the target values of hemodynamics with drugs-for PCI within 24 hours or more from the onset of acute myocardial infarction; - acute myocardial infarction complicated by a ventricular septal defect, acute mitral insufficiency, for performing coronary artery bypass grafting (hereinafter referred to as CABG) for emergency indications, regardless of the period of development of acute heart attack;
- ACS and/or acute myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation on an ECG with refractory angina, increased troponins, with an ejection fraction according to ultrasound less than 40%, and a history of coronary artery stenting less than 6 months (or CABG);
- for performing PCI within 72 hours of the onset of pain.
Contraindications to helicopter departure
- acute myocardial infarction with a formed Q wave (QS) in a stable state;
- acute myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation on ECG in stable condition


The provision of medical care for stroke


Indications for helicopter departure
- subarachnoid or aneurysmal hemorrhage;
- reasonable suspicion of arteriovenous malformation in intracerebral hemorrhage;
- cerebellar hemorrhage with occlusion of the liquor pathways;
- ischemic stroke with occlusion of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways, with indications for bypass surgery or decompression of the occipital cranial fossa;
- stroke-hematomas in the hemisphere in the subacute period with compensated somatics (after consultation with the head of the neurosurgical Department or the doctor on duty at the regional vascular center).
Contraindications to helicopter departure
- intracranial hemorrhages in the acute period with violation of vital functions


Providing medical care to victims with injuries of various etiologies


Indications for helicopter departure
- severe open or closed craniocerebral trauma requiring specialized medical care in the field of "neurosurgery"
- injuries of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine (with or without fractures, dislocations, or subluxations of the spine) with spinal cord damage, nerve damage to the extremities that require specialized medical care in the field of "neurosurgery"
- severe damage to the pharynx, trachea, esophagus, requiring specialized medical care in the profiles of "otorhinolaryngology", "thoracic surgery"
- burns of more than 30% of the surface area of the body of II or more degrees, requiring the provision of specialized combustiological medical care;
- severe trauma to the chest, lungs and mediastinal organs, requiring specialized medical care in the profile of "thoracic surgery"
- severe eye injury requiring specialized medical care in the field of "ophthalmology"
- damage to the main vessels that require complex reconstructive surgery on the vessels;
- multiple fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton with displacement of bone fragments, requiring specialized medical care in the profile of "maxillofacial surgery";
- heavy open and closed injuries of the abdomen and/or retroperitoneum, requiring complex, including reconstructive surgery on the abdominal cavity and/or retroperitoneal organs;
- complex fractures of long tubular bones of any localization, fractures of the pelvic bones with a violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring, requiring complex reconstructive surgery;
- any damage accompanied by shock of II - III degree and/or blood loss of more than 20% of the circulating blood volume;
- combination of the specified damages


Providing medical care to pregnant women, women in labor, women in labor, gynecological patients

Indications for helicopter departure
- threatening premature birth;
- preterm labor that has begun (latent phase 1 of the labor period when the cervix is opened up to 3 cm);
- complicated pregnancy that requires delivery in a group 3 maternity facility with further resuscitation of the mother and child;
- complicated course of the postpartum and/or postoperative period (condition after surgical treatment for massive bleeding, severe preeclampsia, postpartum sepsis, etc.);
- non-correctable violations of vital functions of the body that require the use of specialized medical equipment, high-tech treatment methods, long-term intensive care, parenteral nutrition, constant monitoring of vital functions (respiratory disorders, hemoliquorodynamics, heart activity, metabolic disorders);
Contraindications to helicopter departure
- the need to use a transport incubator during medical evacuation;
- massive bleeding (air ambulance evacuation is possible only after hemostatic and anti-shock therapy)
- shock of II - III degree (sanitary and aviation evacuation is possible only after recovery from shock);
- convulsive status (sanitary and aviation evacuation is possible only after the convulsions are stopped);

The interaction of MO RM with the Department of Icmpinechos GBUZ RM "MRCB" for the provision of applications and preevaluation training on sanitary aviation evacuation

Answer: Administration of GBUZ of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCKB"

  • If it is necessary to transfer a patient to the RM MO of level III, it is mandatory to inform the head of the Department of emergency Advisory medical care and medical evacuation of the RM MRTSKB (tel.: 24-54-91; 76-26-17).
  • When making a decision on the need for sanitary and aviation evacuation of a patient in order to provide medical care in an emergency or urgent form, send an application for sanitary and aviation evacuation to the operational dispatch Department of THE state medical institution of the Republic of Moldova BY Fax (tel.: 76-08-37) or in electronic form (in accordance with Annex 3) until 14:30 of the current day.
  • If a decision is made to evacuate a patient by air, take all necessary measures for pre-evacuation preparation, including filling out medical documentation.
  • Sanitary and aviation evacuation is carried out during daylight hours.
  • the
  • If after the decision on sanitary aviation evacuation was a significant change in the patient's condition, immediately inform the operational Manager of GBUZ RM “MRCB” branch of Icmpinechos.

Does Your hospital CT scan of the heart arteries with contrast on a paid basis?

Response: the Administration INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB"

The administration of GBUZ RM "Mordovia Republican Central clinical hospital" informs You that in the Republic of Mordovia Central hospital held computer coronary angiography with contrast.

The main tasks of non-invasive coronary angiography: detection of coronary stenoses; evaluation of stent patency and functioning of the shunts; the need to focus on invasive koronaroangiografii.

The advantage of this study is the possibility of screening for coronary atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease; non-invasive (contrast medicine is injected into the cubital vein as in standard CT examinations); high information content studies, an early detection, as the pathological process of vessels, and its causes; the method is standardized, easily tolerated by patients, its data will be well documented.

Computer coronary angiography is not shown in intractable heart rate correction, lesion distal branches of the coronary arteries, the patient's inability to hold the breath, expressed a degree of calcification (more than 600).

Contraindications for injection of contrast agents:

allergic reaction to iodine-containing contrast medium,

figure creatinine of blood plasma above the norm,


The results of the study patients receive in the shortest time (1-2 hours) in the form of reports printing of images on tape and writing to disk.

For computerized coronary angiography should have common blood test for creatinine (the analysis is valid for 10 days).

Entry to conduct computer angiography with contrast on a fee basis by phone: 8(8342)72-59-22.

Hello! Tell me, please, when this year closes perinatal center on the sink and for how many days? Thank you!

Response: the Administration INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB"

Hello, Catherine!
Perinatal Center, state INSTITUTION of health of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB" closed for routine disinfection with 12.08.2019 for 25.08.2019.

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