Surgical Department
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Head of the department - Gavrilov Vladislav Vyacheslavovich, surgeon of the highest qualification category.
Surgical Department No. 1 provides highly qualified emergency and planned surgical care to the population of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova, conducts a full range of examinations of patients with a surgical profile.
The department is the base of the Department of General Surgery and Anesthesiology
named after N. I. Atyasov. The staff of the department participates in the therapeutic and diagnostic process, provides advisory assistance to the department.
The department is deployed on 50 beds of a 24-hour hospital.
The department consists of: 18 wards, 2 treatment rooms, a dressing room, a sanitary room, a senior nurse's office, an office of the head of the department, a resident's room, a doctor on duty, a nurse's rest room, a transfer room, bathrooms.
The department employs 10 doctors, 11 secondary medical workers, 11 junior medical workers.
The staff of the department of pure surgery
Surgical department staff
The Department performs more than 1,800 operations per year. About 60% of planned operations, 40% of emergency ones.
Surgical activity of the department is more than 85%. The structure of operations is as follows: operations on the esophagus (achalasia, hernias of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm), on the stomach (gastric resection according to Billroth I, Billroth II, reconstructive operations on the stomach), hernias of various localization (using mesh explants, TARR, eTER), laparoscopic operations on the biliary tract, surgical interventions under ultrasound navigation, and many other operations.
The doctors of the department provide organizational, methodological and medical advisory assistance to medical institutions of the Republic of Mordovia, including emergency assistance through "Disaster Medicine".
Currently, the following techniques have been introduced and are successfully used in the work of the surgical department:
- reconstructive operations on the biliary tract;
- radical surgery for parasitic cysts and benign liver tumors;
- reconstructive surgery for chronic calculous pancreatitis;
- reconstructive operations on the stomach, esophagus, sliding hernias of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm; vagotomy for peptic ulcers of the stomach stump.
- single-row sutures during the formation of valvular anastomoses on the large and small intestines;
- papillosphincterotomy for mechanical jaundice;
- endoscopic lithoextraction in choledocholithiasis and mechanical jaundice;
- reconstructive surgery for duodenostasis;
- reconstructive surgery for esophageal achalasia;
- herniation by non-tensioning methods using prolene and polypropylene nets.
In addition, the following types of laparoscopic interventions are performed in the department:
- laparoscopic cholecystectomy for chronic and acute calculous cholecystitis, polyposis, tumors of the gallbladder;
- laparoscopic removal of benign cysts of the liver, spleen, kidneys, retroperitoneal space;
- Laparoscopic decompression of the biliary tract in acute pancreatitis, tumors of the head of the pancreas;
- laparoscopic interventions for hiatal hernias and esophageal achalasia;
- laparoscopic surgery for acute pancreatitis;
- laparoscopic crural surgery with esophagofundoplication;
- decompression of the biliary tract in acute pancreatitis, tumors of the head of the pancreas under ultrasound navigation; laparoscopic hernioplasty for inguinal and umbilical hernias (TARR, eTER). laparoscopic choledocholithotomy with external drainage of the common bile duct.
- laparoscopic suturing of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers. Laparoscopic external drainage of the common bile duct. external drainage of the gallbladder, common bile duct under ultrasound navigation. Laparoscopic appendectomy.
Advantages of these surgical interventions:
Laparoscopy has been implemented in the Mordovian Republican Clinical Hospital since 1994. During this time, a school of laparoscopic surgery was formed. More than 1,800 operations are performed per year, of which more than 60% are performed laparoscopically.In patients after laparoscopic interventions:
- minimally pronounced pain syndrome in the postoperative period, which does not require the appointment of narcotic painkillers
- low injury rate - reduces the risk of early and late postoperative complications by 85%
- early activation of patients in the postoperative period, the only effective method of reducing the risk of PE
- reduction in the duration of the postoperative period (patients are discharged 3-5 days after surgery)
- excellent cosmetic result
- rapid social and professional rehabilitation
- the risk of developing adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity is reduced
In the near future it is planned to expand the range of laparoscopic and traditional operations:
- Surgery on the esophagus (including for Cenker's diverticulum).
- Internal drainage of pancreatic cysts.
- Retro- and antegrade stenting of the bile ducts.
- Endoscopic treatment of esophageal achalasia (POEM).
- To increase the proportion of minimally invasive surgical interventions on the biliary system and drainage of various cavities under ultrasound navigation.
- To increase the proportion of endoscopic surgical interventions for choledocholithiasis.