The NICU obstetric physiological (AF) and the obstetric observation (AO) offices
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Head of the department - Volozhanina Anna Aleksandrovna, neonatologist of the first qualification category.
Doctors of the department:
Newborn team of obstetric physiology department (AF) and obstetric observational department (AO)
- Lyamzina Olga Aleksandrovna
- Khavanskaya Lidiya Ivanovna
- Kabuza Kristina Nikolaevna
- Chugunova Irina Yuryevna
- Kudashkina Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Senior Nurse: Natalia Gennadievna Shugaeva is the highest qualification category.
The Neonatal Department was founded in 2011 and operates 40 obstetric beds. The department includes a post of joint stay of mother and child and a post of separate stay (if there are contraindications for a joint stay of mother and child).In the department of newborns, mothers receive full information about the condition of the baby, the peculiarities of the adaptation period of each child, the results of diagnosis and tactics of his treatment.
In the wards of joint stay, young mothers, with the help of highly qualified personnel, gain skills in caring for a child, master the principles of proper breastfeeding.
Memo for mothers on caring for a newborn in a pandemic (PDF)
We promote exclusively breastfeeding, because it is an ideal source for healthy growth and development of children.
The best nutrition for a newborn is breast milk. Theoretically, every woman with properly organized breastfeeding is able to nurse her baby. According to statistics, only 3% of all young mothers have serious health problems affecting the production of breast milk. We are talking mainly about endocrine disorders, in which true hypogalactia develops (insufficient milk formation in the mammary glands). In the absence of such problems, breast milk is produced on demand and exactly as much as is necessary for a particular child in the specific conditions of his existence. A healthy newborn should eat as often as he needs it. The child can take the breast every hour and even more often, interrupting only for sleep. This condition is completely normal and is not considered a cause for concern. Just offer your baby a breast every time you feel his anxiety. Over time, the baby will develop its own rhythm for itself, and the woman's body will adjust to this regime by timely production of breast milk.
Proper diet of a nursing mother
Breast milk is the best food for a baby that meets all the needs of his body. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the full development and growth of the child.
If the mother follows a special diet, then the period of intestinal colic in children will be easier, and allergic reactions will become rare and mild.
The composition of the diet should be balanced, that is, carbohydrate-free regimes or diets on low-fat products are prohibited. Minerals and vitamins should come in large quantities from fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Fermented dairy products are sources of calcium, fish, phosphorus and fatty acids, sea cabbage, iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland of both the baby and the mother.
It is impossible to eat once or twice a day, even if abundantly. It is better to break the menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as two light snacks in between. This will ensure a constant flow of milk without interruptions.
In addition, the diet of a nursing mother should be safe, that is, it practically does not contain products that can cause allergies in the baby.
The neonatologist of our department is present at the birth of each newborn child, if necessary, provides highly qualified professional assistance to the baby in the delivery room. Special attention is paid to technologies that ensure safety for the newborn. The thermal protection of the newborn begins even before birth - the temperature regime in the delivery room is observed. Immediately after giving birth, in the absence of contraindications, the newborn is laid out on the mother's stomach so that he is warm and comfortable, so that he feels the beating of her heart and looks into his native eyes. Breastfeeding begins in the delivery room. When the child shows signs of readiness, it is applied to the breast. The principle of joint stay of mother and child is observed.
The transfer of the newborn and the mother from the delivery room is carried out in comfortable wards "Mother and child". The stay of the mother and child together until discharge from the hospital. It is staying together that helps to establish breastfeeding in the shortest possible time and promotes mutual understanding between mom and baby.
The main directions in the provision of medical care of the department of newborns:
- study of clinical and physiological features of newborn children with uncomplicated and complicated intrauterine period;
- if necessary, provision of emergency resuscitation care to newborn children at birth; improving the principles of providing primary care to a newborn in the delivery room in order to prevent cold stress and stimulate lactation by immediately applying the baby to the breast immediately after birth.
- organization of neonatal screenings for newborn children (audiological and neonatal screenings);
- the use, if necessary, of all high-tech diagnostic measures for the possible early detection of pathology in order to provide immediate assistance to the infant, which determines a favorable prognosis for the future.
- introduction of modern principles of monitoring healthy newborns, early and full breastfeeding;
- organization of advisory assistance to mothers on the care of newborns after discharge from the hospital;
- vaccination of newborn children against hepatitis B and tuberculosis
- registration of the necessary documentation for obtaining a birth certificate for each newborn child
Ultrasound examination is carried out for all children in the department, all necessary laboratory tests can be carried out for diagnostic purposes, X-ray examinations - according to indications, and, if necessary, consultations of narrow specialists (ophthalmologist, neurologist, surgeon, cardiologist).
What is neonatal newborn screening?
Newborn screening is a massive program for the detection of hereditary diseases. In other words, it is a test of all infants without exception for the presence of traces of certain genetic diseases in the blood.
Neonatal screening of newborns is carried out on the 4th day of the baby's life, when he is still in the neonatal ward. To do this, the child takes blood from the heel and conducts a laboratory study. Such an early examination is due to the fact that the earlier the disease is detected, the more chances there are for the child to recover. And most of the studied diseases may not have any external manifestations for several months, or even years of life.
Newborn screening includes examinations for the following hereditary diseases:
Phenylketonuria is a disease consisting in the absence or decrease in the activity of an enzyme that cleaves the amino acid phenylalanine. This disease is dangerous by the accumulation of phenylalanine in the blood, which in turn can lead to neurological disorders, brain damage, mental retardation.
Cystic fibrosis is a disease accompanied by disruption of the digestive and respiratory systems, as well as impaired growth of the child.
Congenital hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland, which manifests itself in a violation of hormone production, which leads to a violation of physical and mental development. Girls are more susceptible to this disease than boys.
Adrenogenital syndrome is a combination of various diseases associated with a violation of the adrenal cortex. They affect the metabolism and the work of all organs of the human body. These disorders adversely affect the sexual, cardiovascular system, and kidneys. If you do not start treatment in time, then this disease can lead to a fatal outcome.
Galactosemia is a disease consisting in a lack of enzymes for processing galactose. Accumulating in the body, this enzyme affects the liver, nervous system, physical development and hearing.
As we can see, all the studied diseases are very serious. And if you do not conduct a test screening of newborns in time and do not start treatment, then the consequences can be more than serious.