Department of medical rehabilitation physical therapy office
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Head of the Department of medical rehabilitation in physical therapy office: Vishnyakova Olga Ivanovna, doctor of the first qualification category.
The staff of the Department of medical rehabilitation:
Doctors – 4 persons, first qualifying category – 1 person;
Nurses – 6 people, the highest qualification category – 4 people;
Medical brother-in-massage – 1 person;
Nurse physical therapy – 1., the first qualification category;
Instructor LFK – 1 person;
Junior staff – 5 people.
State of physical therapy office:
Doctors 2 people, the first qualifying category – 1 person;
Instructor in physical therapy – 4, the highest qualification category – 3 person, first qualifying category – 1 person;
Facilitator – 1 person;
Junior staff – 2 people.
Department of medical rehabilitation at the profile of "Traumatology and orthopedics" expanded to 20 beds (around the hospital) from February 1, 2019 in the structure of the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB" on the first floor therapeutic building.
Department of medical rehabilitation physical therapy office has been providing Advisory and medical assistance means physical therapy offices hospital INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB" using breathing exercises for diseases of the respiratory system, joint exercises in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, complexes of medical gymnastics in osteochondrosis, incorrect posture, spinal injuries, complicated spinal cord injury, neuritis (including neuritis of the facial nerve is applied leykoplastyrb sticker), therapeutic suit "REGENT" to be used in patients with movement disorders, CAanime focal changes of the brain due to acute cerebrovascular disorders, traumatic brain injury, as well as conducting courses of medical rehabilitation of patients after endoprosthesis replacement of joints, fractures and injuries of the limbs, contractures of the joints. The rehabilitation program is chosen individually for each patient taking into account his condition, survey data, comorbidities. There is a wide range of medical physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, swimming pool, active and passive mechanotherapy devices (series "ARTROMOT". These devices provide treatment using continuous passive motion that is used to prevent the adverse effects caused by prolonged immobility in the joints. A convenient apparatus that is equipped with a special programming device that can be used for programming and saving of all parameters of treatment for each individual patient).
Order of hospitalization in the Department of medical rehabilitation:
Hospitalization in the Department is carried out in a planned manner on a daily basis, according to the schedule of admission in the direction of the consultative polyclinic of GBUZ RM "MRCB" with the list of tests.
Paid services Department of medical rehabilitation with physical therapy office:
- the development of ambulatory patients after injuries of the extremities and joint replacement using the devices of "ARTROMOT". Admission is carried out in the physical therapy office No. 116 therapeutic body.
- the pool and consult a dermatologist for hospital patients, INSTITUTION of Republic of Mordovia "MRCB".