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The Department of purulent surgery

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The purulent surgery Department is a structural subdivision of the hospital: to provide emergency and planned specialized medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases. The capacity of the Department of purulent surgery – 40 beds.

Head of Department - Shibanov E. I., surgeon of the highest qualification category, candidate of medical Sciences.

Шибанова Елена Ивановна - заведующая отделением гнойная хирургия

The Department of purulent surgery №2


The staff Department of purulent surgery

No. Name The post Category,PhD
1 Shibanov E. I. Head of the division surgeon Highest PhD
2 Kostin D. G. surgeon First
3 Ryabov A.V. surgeon First
4 Novikov I. K. surgeon No

In the purulent surgery Department of the priority directions in the work is the study and development of tactics of treatment of the following diseases: acute destructive pancreatitis, fat and small bowel fistula, purulent-necrotic complications of neuropathic and neuroischemic forms of diabetic foot syndrome, extensive trophic ulcers of venous and arterial etiology, osteomyelitis and fractures of the long bones, suppurative arthritis of large joints, septic complications after various types of osteosynthesis, purulent-necroticusthese infections of the soft tissues, extensive wounds and sepsis.

In the Department of purulent surgery is widely carried out reconstructive surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract:

In the treatment of purulent-necrotic forms of diabetic angiopathy of the implemented methods of regional drug therapy, allowing you to perform organ-saving operations on the foot and thus improve the quality of life of the patient.

Expanded the indications for minimally invasive interventions in abdominal abscesses and retroperitoneal space under sonographic control.

Widely used methods of plastic closure of extensive skin defects of various etiologies. This is a plastic full or split cutaneous flap.

Patients with chronic osteomyelitis are performed in the Department of osteoplastic and reconstructive surgeries.

In the treatment of patients with destructive forms of pancreatitis are used modern methods of detoxification of the body and regional (intraportal) administration of antibiotics and antioxidants.

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