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The Department of functional diagnostics

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The functional diagnostics Department is a structural unit GBUZ RM "MRCB" engaged in the diagnosis of diseases of organs and body systems and their functionality with the help of instrumental methods.

The Department is headed by doctor of higher qualification category, chief freelance specialist MOH of the RM Ershova Irina Alexandrovna, born in 1966


The functional diagnostics Department opened in 1959 on the basis of the Mordovian Republican clinical hospital.

Currently, the Department of functional diagnostics is on the first floor therapeutic building and diagnostic building (5 offices in the therapy building and 2 rooms in LDK) and on the second floor of the clinic perinatal center.

Staff offices:


The staff of the Department of functional diagnostics

The Department carried out a functional examination of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, patients of all ages, including newborns, postpartum women and pregnant women. The Department is equipped with modern equipment with high resolution and programs, allowing to reveal diseases at early stages.

Methods used in the Department, the most modern, safe and painless. All equipment in the Department is high class equipped with computer systems with appropriate software packages that gives you the ability to diagnose comprehensively, and to obtain the maximum amount of information about.AI health.

High professionalism of staff provides quick and quality inspection according to the following techniques:

1.Electrocardiography (ECG) is one of the most available and harmless methods of examination, allowing sometimes already during the first study to identify serious and life-threatening changes in the heart.

2.Bicycle ergometry (test with the dosed physical load) study of the heart and blood pressure level in the regime of metered loads under the constant monitoring of the ECG on the monitor screen and HELL. This allows you to identify ischemia; clarify angina functional class (FC) for decision of expert questions; to determine the tolerance to physical activity.

3.Daily ECG monitoring (Holter) recording of the ECG during the day with the subsequent analysis of detected changes to identify arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, monitoring the therapy. Furthermore the system allows to analyze the heart rate variability, QT interval duration, to identify sleep apnea. That is necessary for prognosis of the disease and opportunities for the development of life-threatening arrhythmias.

4.Daily monitoring of blood pressure (ABPM) measurement of blood pressure during the day (daytime and during night sleep) for short intervals of time, with further processing of the received data. Daily monitoring of blood pressure allows you to monitor the fluctuations in blood pressure to identify hypertension, hypotension, which can cause strokes and heart attacks. Allows you to find a rational antihypertensive therapy.

5.Spirography is a method of research of function of external respiration. Used to determine the degree and type of dysfunction of external respiration, detection of bronchial mast.

6.Rheovasography (EGR) of blood vessels the lower or upper extremities allows to determine the pulse blood filling of peripheral vessels, and assess vascular tone of arteries and arterioles, the elasticity of the vascular wall and venous drainage state.

7.Rheoencephalography (REG) method to determine the state of the pulse blood vessels of the brain that is used most often when cervicalgia (headache) of unknown origin.

8.Electroencephalography (EEG) - method of diagnosing, studying the electrical activity of the brain, the functional state of the brain. EEG is used for diagnosing focal brain lesions caused by neoplastic, vascular and other processes for the diagnosis of epilepsy.

9.Electroneuromyography registration and analysis of bioelectric potentials of muscles and peripheral nerves. Used for the differential and topical diagnosis of lesions of peripheral neuromotor apparatus vertebrogenic, traumatic, vascular, infectious-allergic, hereditary, degenerative nature. Allows to assess the dynamics of the process on the background of treatment, to make a selection of adequate therapy.

10.Echoencephalography - method for ultrasonic examination of the brain. With this method, one can draw the conclusion about the presence in the cavity of the skull pathological processes (tumors, sub - and epidural hematomas, Gumm, foreign bodies, thrombi, foci of softening), to detect signs of hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension.

 11.Evoked potentials of the brain(EP) - a method of studying bioelectric activity of the nervous tissue (Central and peripheral) using visual, audio and somatosensory stimulation. Indications: disorders of vision and hearing of unknown origin, neuritis of the optic and auditory nerves, tumors of the brain, accompanied by disturbances of vision or hearing, pituitary tumors, sclerosis, assessment of the vision or hearing impaired individuals contact with others, objective assessment of hearing loss, stem brain lesions, sensorineural hearing loss, gipostezii different etiology, spinal cord injury, diabetic neuropathy, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, stroke (estimate dynamic state on the background of treatment).

12.Echocardiography (ECHO, heart ultrasound) is an ultrasound study of the heart, which allows the technician to assess the size of the cavities of the heart, condition of its walls and of the valve apparatus, to investigate the contractile function of the heart and to evaluate blood flow in real This is especially important in conditions of high load on the organism of a pregnant woman, because it is possible to conduct monitoring of hemodynamics (movement of blood) inside the heart and Magistral (primary) vessels departing from the heart and carrying blood throughout the body. Advantages of echocardiography are absolute safe, painless and highly informative. Therefore, it is possible to freely conduct the Echo-KG during pregnancy and as often as required by the state.

Adequate heart mother promotes proper growth and development of the fetus, and in the subsequent effective postnatal (after birth) of newborn adaptation!

After functional methods of research our patients benefit from a conclusion and, if necessary, recommendations to address to the doctor.

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