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Department of physiotherapy

Number of views: 15087

The Department is headed by doctor of higher qualifying category - Ershova Natalia.

Department of physiotherapy opened in 1960 on the basis of the Mordovian Republican clinical hospital.

Currently, the Department of physiotherapy is located on the first floor of the diagnostic and treatment unit on the second floor of the clinic perinatal center. The Department is equipped with up to date and offers a different set of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various diseases,is widely used in the introduction of pregnancy.

Staff offices:


Nurses physical therapy:

The honey sisters-in massage:

Office cleaners – 3 people.

The Department of physiotherapy uses all modern methods of physiotherapeutic treatment. Apply a multifunctional high – tech machines- harvesters production Netherlands, Germany, and modern domestic equipment.

The Department performed the following procedures:

In practice, FLUORIDE is constantly introducing new treatment methods, widely used complex physical therapy with the use of several factors.

New treatment methods in the Department:

Cryotherapy is the application of cold for therapeutic purposes. The treatment is carried out on the German machine CRYO-FLOW 1000 with biological feedback, which ensures the constancy of temperature of the cooled region and eliminates the possibility of frostbite. Indications for this type of treatment are: arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, lumbalgia,muscle spasm, tendent of the patella, trigger points, fibromyalgia, epicondylitis, calcaneal spur.

Traction spine traction with a vibrating massage and thermotherapy. "Ormed-Professional" - universal apparatus for dosedgo traction, and vibratory massage and the local mechanical effects on the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and osteo-articular elements of the spine .The device is designed for carrying axial metered traction and vibration-mechanical effects on the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Is used for rehabilitation and prevention of diseases in patients with neurological manifestations of cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis. As a result of this the total physical impact on the spine during one procedure disappear functional blockade in the intervertebral joints, there is a reposition and self-correction vertebrae. In addition, this increased height of the intervertebral disc, reducing intra disk pressure that creates the possibility of reposition of the prolapsed herniated disc, as well as conditions conducive to samoupravlenie and elimination of symptoms.

MDM therapy (mesodiencephalic modulation)

The principle of operation of the apparatus based on receiving the therapeutic effect from exposure to electric pulses of a certain shape on the mesodiencephalic structures in the brain of the patient. MDM multifaceted causes physiological effects in the body, increases resistance to stress, working capacity, improves mood, improves attention and memory, normalization of sleep.


Hivamat therapy or deep oscilacija is the result of the alternating electrostatic field created between the hand-held applicator and the body surface of the patient. In this patient's tissue is electrostatically attracted and released to the rhythm of a given frequency (5-250 Hz). Thus there is a deep oscillation is a unique, deeply penetrating and long timevelikoletna. obayatelnaya, charming resonant vibration of the tissues in the affected area.

Indications for therapy with hivamat machine

In disorders of lymphatic drainage and venous blood flow, the phenomena of venous stasis, especially after surgery.

With pain of different localization and origin – diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis and arthritis, and migrated existing injury, migraine, neuralgia, low back pain, neurological diseases.

In case of violation of contractile muscle abilities of different origin – the consequences of the accident and existing injuries, multiple sclerosis.

In violation of metabolic processes in the tissue – pressure sores, osteoporosis, burns, open wounds, trophic ulcers in the legs, and the like.

In aesthetic medicine with the aim of accelerating the process of regeneration after plastic surgery, to prevent adhesions, for treatment of cellulite, as a component of rejuvenating treatments to improve skin elasticity, maintain the facial muscles in tone, reduce wrinkles and enhance collagen production.

In sports medicine to accelerate recovery after intensive training sessions and competitions, while bruising and swelling during the recovery period after injuries.

Speleotherapy - a special microclimate of the salt cave due to the fine spray of salt, has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, mucolytic, bronchodilation effect, stabilizes the autonomic nervous system, gives relaxing effect.

Speleotherapy is used in the treatment of all forms of bronchopulmonary pathology, disease of ENT-organs, skin and allergic diseases. As auxiliary methods are effective in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine pathologies.

Magnetic therapy

Magnetotherapy is a method of physiotherapy in which the human body is exposed to constant or variable low-frequency magnetic field. Effects of magnetic field has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, sedative, analgesic effect. Under the influence of magnetic therapy improves microcirculation, stimulated regenerative and reparative processes in tissues.



Acupuncture is a popular healing technique, a variation of acupuncture used in the treatment of several diseases. The procedure used acupuncture needles, influencing on biologically active points (BAP), located in the tissues. The uniqueness of the acupuncture needles is to run different variants of the reflex reactions, which depend on the method and depth of their productions. Reflex is able to change the functional state of all parts of the nervous system and affect the face.

The main advantages of acupuncture as a treatment method are:

1.The lack of adverse reactions, especially allergic.

2. The possibility of using both in pure form and in combination with pharmaceuticals, other types of treatment.

3.Technical simplicity.

4.High efficiency in the treatment of functional disorders and pain syndromes.

The main therapeutic effects of acupuncture.


2.Improve microcirculation

3.Antispastic effect

4.The normalization of arterial and venous pressure.

5.Enhanced immunity and resistance to infections

6.Antidepressant and sedative effect.

The main indications for acupuncture:

1.Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, sprain, myositis, bursitis.

2. Diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, spinal hernia, VSD, dizziness, migraine, neurosis, enuresis, hysteria, tics.

3.Diseases of the respiratory system: bronchial asthma, tracheitis, chronic laryngitis, bronchitis.

4.Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension in stage 1 and 2, hypotension.

5.Diseases of the digestive system: functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. Constipation.

6.Diseases of the urinary organs: prostatitis, nephritis, chronic cystitis.

7.Gynecological diseases, algomenorrhea, climacteric syndrome, ovarian dysfunction.

8.Endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus type 2, mild degree of hyperthyroidism.

In the study of acupuncture GBUZ MRCB is classical corporal acupuncture, auriculotherapy, micro-needling using only disposable acupuncture needles.

DENS - therapy

Dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) is a recent efficient method for safe impact on the projection, active and hidden zones, the area of the spinal cord, acupuncture points.

Healing properties of the devices of the series DENAS have the energy pulses. These neural impulses represent physiologically natural stimuli affecting the nerve endings. Their advantage is that they, by acting on the skin, do not penetrate deep into the body.

DENAS therapy helps to activate the adaptive resources of the body and regulation of internal organs and systems.

This method was developed on the basis of the military-industrial complex of the USSR. Subsequently, it was improved through clinical trials and the latest advances in the world of electronics. The performance and efficiency of the method of DENS is that under alongsideesteem one therapeutic pulse is connected with a range of therapeutic effects. No side effects and various complications, quite a large list of readings method make DANCE universal and accessible.

The main therapeutic effects of DENS – therapy: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vascular, trophic, observery.

Contraindications: patient has implanted pacemaker, epileptic status, thrombosis of the veins.

In GBUZ Mr MRCB DENS – therapy is used for about 13 years with a positive effect.

In our Department for each patient an individual program of treatment and rehabilitation with the use of Russian recommendations.

The Department carried out all types of paid physiotherapy.

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