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Today: 14.03.2025 г.

Department of clinical-expert and organizational-methodical work

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Department of clinical-expert and organizational - methodical work - the structural division of the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB", the main activities are the organization of high-tech medical aid (hereinafter – PMF), the implementation of clinical - expertnet, organizational, methodological and statistical work.

The Department structure includes:

The subdivision of the PMF ensures documentation and reporting to the Commission on the selection of patients for high technology medical aid in the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB". The work performed by the electronic System of monitoring the implementation of the state task for rendering of the PMF in the framework of the information-analytical system of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation.

Department of clinical - expert and organizational - methodical work arranges telemedicine consultations, planning and Advisory visits of medical specialists in the regions of the Republic with the aim of bringing skilled and specialized medical care to the rural population and to provide practical help health care professionals improve the quality of medical-diagnostic process, the development and introduction in practice of modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, as well as improve the overall level of medical care for the rural population.

Provides clinical expertise for quality control of medical-diagnostic aid in the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB".

Collects plans and reports the chief experts experts of the MOH of the RM.

Communicates the hospital with the compulsory health insurance Fund and health insurance organizations through systemss OMS.

Leads the Mordovian Republican medical-dosimetric registry in the framework of the Russian state medico-dosimetric register of persons exposed to radiation owing to accident on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Monitors the care INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB" children from the neonatal period, pregnant, in labor and childbirth, monitoring of perinatal, infant, child and maternal mortality, perinatal center, state INSTITUTION of health of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB", as well as medical organizations of the Republic of Mordovia.

Establish and maintain a consolidated register for miscarriage (women with spontaneous abortion, premature birth and stillbirth history) in defense of the Republic of Mordovia, providing information to the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia.

Establish and maintain a consolidated register of infertile couples, single women wanting to have children, providing information to the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia.

The Department of statistics provides accurate statistics and reports on the activities of the medical organization in the forms and within the deadlines set by the health authorities.

Is working on the timely order in the printing and issuance to employees of the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB" necessary for the working of blanks.

Performs work on registration of the persons insured in system of voluntary medical insurance specialists, GBUZ RM "MRCB".

The division is headed by Deputy head physician on kliniko-expert and organizational-methodical work - Burukina O. V.

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