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Today: 13.03.2025 г.

Laboratory for selective screening

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Laboratory staff:

In the laboratory, patients with suspected hereditary pathology of metabolism are examined. The sweat test has been widely used in the last 50 years to detect cystic fibrosis and is the "gold standard" for diagnosing the disease. The sweat test was proposed by Gibson LE, Cooke RE in the 50s and is still used in various modifications today. The method is recommended by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as the main laboratory study confirming the presence of the disease. A positive sweat test is detected in 99% of patients with cystic fibrosis, but the informative value of the test largely depends on the exact observance of the rules of the procedure.

The indication for a sweat test is a suspicion of cystic fibrosis. Since the disease can have various manifestations, the reason for the sweat test can be both typical manifestations of the disease, i.e. combined chronic damage to the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and the presence in children and adolescents of chronic cough of unclear etiology, repeated sowing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus from sputum in patients with recurrent or chronic respiratory diseases systems, isolated intestinal syndrome, accompanied by malabsorption syndrome and steatorrhea. The use of a sweat test for meconeal ileus, familial cases of cystic fibrosis, and positive neonatal screening results is justified. In adolescents and adults, the indication may be a combination of chronic sinusitis and chronic bronchitis, obstructive azoospermia in men. The test can be performed on patients of any age. 

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