Consultative clinic
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Head of the polyclinic - Volkova Yulia Vladimirovna, doctor of the first qualification category, Candidate of medical Sciences.
The consultative polyclinic was opened in 1959 on the basis of the Mordovian Republican Clinical Hospital.
The consultative polyclinic of the State Medical Institution of the Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital provides specialized consultative and diagnostic assistance to patients sent from medical and preventive institutions of the districts of the republic, the city of Saransk, to nonresident patients.
The planned capacity of the polyclinic is 500 visits per shift.
The main directions of medical care:
conducting qualified advisory, diagnostic and therapeutic outpatient care in the following specialties - pure surgery, coloproctology, neurology, gynecology, traumatology, cardiology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, urology, otorhinolaryngology, neurosurgery, allergology, endocrinology, immunology, surdology, pulmonology, cardiovascular surgery, nephrology, occupational pathology, maxillofacial surgery.
- conducting laboratory, functional, ultrasound, radiological, audiological studies.
- selection of patients for inpatient treatment taking into account the patient's condition, the volume of examination at the pre-hospital stage, the need to stay in specialized departments of the clinic, the source of funding.
Working procedure
Patients are admitted daily, according to the schedule, with the exception of weekends and holidays.
An appointment is made by doctors of medical and preventive healthcare institutions from their automated workplace, when the patient contacts the registry in person and by phone.
Weekly (according to the reception schedule), a consultative reception of the chief experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova is held.
On Thursdays there is a pulmonological commission consisting of: therapist, oncologist, thoracic surgeon, radiologist, phthisiologist
In the consultative polyclinic there are health schools: "Metabolic syndrome", "Arterial hypertension", "Men's health", "Rheumatoid arthritis".
Many specialists who receive patients at the polyclinic also work in the hospital, which helps to maintain their high professional level, ensures continuity in treatment.
Opening of the Cardiology Office
On the basis of the Consultative Polyclinic of the State Medical Institution of the Republic of Mordovia «MRCCB» since February 5, 2020, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of specialized medical care for patients with cardiovascular diseases, increase the availability of high-tech types of therapeutic and diagnostic cardiological care, reduce mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system in the Republic of Mordovia in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 15.11.2012 N 918n"On approval of the procedure for providing medical care to patients with cardiovascular diseases", The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia dated 04.02.2020 No.105 "On the organization of work to reduce morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases" began work Cardiology office.
The main objectives: to achieve stabilization and improvement of the clinical course of the disease, as well as to improve the quality and life expectancy of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
The opening of a Cardiology office is one of the landmark moments in the development of regional healthcare, as the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases is constantly increasing. Therefore, treatment, and first of all, prevention and prevention of this disease, is one of the priorities set by the leadership of the republic.
Appointment schedule at the consultative polyclinic
№ |
specialist |
FULL name |
Category |
Reception days |
Reception hours |
Cabinet number |
1 |
Allergist Hospital doctors |
T.V.Zhuchkova |
Highest qualification category |
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Monday, Friday |
08.00 – 17.00
08.00-15.48 |
210 |
2 |
cardiologist |
Taptygina G.A. |
Highest qualification category |
daily |
08.00-15.48 |
214 |
3 |
rheumatologist |
Grishina I.N. |
Highest qualification category |
daily |
9-00-16.48 |
208 |
4 |
nephrologist |
Doctors of the nephrological department |
- |
Tuesday, Thursday |
09.00-13.00 |
205 |
5 |
neurologist |
Kudaev N.P. |
Highest qualification category |
daily |
08.00-15.48 |
311 |
6 |
urologist |
Blinnikov A.A. |
Candidate of Medical Sciences |
daily |
08.00-15.48 |
207 |
7 |
surgeon |