Obstetric physiological Department, with a joint stay of mother and child
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Head of the Department - Casino Margarita Nikolaevna, doctor of the highest qualification category, work experience of 32 years..
Obstetric physiological Department of the joint stay of the mother and the child operates from 22 may 2017. The Department deployed 20 beds and is located on the 3 floor of the building. In the compartment of the single chamber and one service. The Department located the treatment room, observation deck equipped with modern medical equipment, a dining room and auxiliary premises. These conditions allow the mother to carry out round-the-clock newborn care, promote breastfeeding on demand, to establish emotional contact with the baby.
Objectives of Department:
- Providing emergency and routine obstetric care;
- Inspection, treatment, management of postpartum and postoperative period in patients with obstetric and extragenital pathology in accordance with the requirements of modern obstetrics;
- Maintenance work on the basic principles of breastfeeding;
- Adherence in the postpartum and postoperative period;
- Joint stay of mother and child – as one of the methods of reducing the risk of infection of the newborn and free breastfeeding.
- Head. Department Casino Margarita Nikolaevna, doctor of the highest qualification category.
- A resident - Adianova Nadia Kamilevna, the doctor of the first qualification category.
- Senior midwife - Makhrova Marina Aleksandrovna, the second qualification category.
- 2 treatment honey. sisters
- 5 guards of midwives
- 6 Junior staff
Diagnostical vozmojnosti of All postpartum women is ultrasound of the uterus at full volume, clinical laboratory investigations of blood and urine, if necessary-consultation of narrow specialists.
Order hospitalization - planned
Paid services - one house service. The chamber is equipped with a functional bed, changing table, scales for weighing the newborn, a TV, a refrigerator. If desired, husband and close relatives can visit the puerpera and the newborn during the whole period of her stay in the hospital.