Obstetric observational Department
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The obstetric department with the joint stay of mother and child is deployed for 40 beds. It works according to the system of joint stay of mother and child. The department is equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, dressings, medicines and tools. The protective and sanitary-epidemiological regime is strictly observed, round-the-clock medical care for patients of the department is organized.
Peturova Tatiana Aleksandrovna - head of the obstetric department with a joint stay of mother and child, obstetrician-gynecologist, of the highest qualification category.
Adikhanova Nadzhiya Kamilevna, obstetrician-gynecologist, first qualification category.
The department employs an obstetrician-gynecologist of the first qualification category, Candidate of medical Sciences, associate professor: Galina V.Fominova.
Stolyarova Olga Mikhailovna - Senior nurse.
The maternity ward provides qualified medical care, there are all conditions for a comfortable stay. The department employs experienced, caring staff who help women easily adapt to her new condition, facilitate the care of a newborn.
The department has double wards equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay of mother and child. All wards have an individual toilet, shower cabins, equipped with special medical beds for maternity hospitals with lighting and the possibility of calling staff, a crib for a baby, a changing table and a cozy home environment. The department has superior rooms with a refrigerator and a TV. The dining room is spacious, with a convenient arrangement of tables and a buffet, with the presence of a microwave oven.
Special breastfeeding support programs allow you to adjust the baby's breastfeeding, information is given about the benefits of natural breastfeeding.
Every day, maternity hospitals are trained in newborn care, hygiene of the postpartum period, if necessary, qualified psychological and legal assistance can be provided.
Ultrasound is performed on all maternity hospitals.
In the presence of extragenital pathology, maternity hospitals are consulted by doctors of related specialties: neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, dermatovenerologist, dentist, mammologist.
In order to prevent sensitization of Rh-negative women by the Rh factor, immunization of Rh-negative patients with antiresus immunoglobulin is carried out on the basis of the State Medical Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Mordovian Republican Clinical Perinatal Center". For this purpose, human antiresus immunoglobulin is used, which is produced from plasma or serum of donors and contains passive Rh antibodies. It is indicated with Rh-negative blood in the mother, Rh-positive blood in the newborn, the absence of the production of antiresus antibodies in the mother. After delivery, immunization is carried out within 72 hours.
Immunization with antiresus immunoglobulin is an effective method of preventing hemolytic disease of newborns according to the Rh system. Thanks to this, it became possible to preserve not only the health, but also the life of newborn children.
Discharge after childbirth is performed on the 4th-5th day (with the physiological course of the postpartum period), after cesarean section on the 5th-7th day (in the absence of medical contraindications) in consultation with a neonatologist.
Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, recommendations are given on possible methods of contraception, hygiene of the maternity hospital, diet and physical activity in the postpartum period.