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8 (8342) 76-23-99
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Today: 14.03.2025 г.

The plan of measures on corruption counteraction

Number of views: 10207

This section is designed to prevent corruption in the institution to improve the feedback with citizens and organizations and obtaining information about facts of corruption.

A telephone hotline to accept reports from patients and their relatives, on which they became aware of the facts of corruption on the part of hospital staff.

8 (8342) 76-18-19

The law of the Republic of Mordovia dated June 8, 2007 of N 54-W "On combating corruption in the Republic of Mordovia"

Federal law dated 25 December 2008 No. 273-FZ "On combating corruption"

Order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation from December 21, 2012 1350 N n "About the statement of Regulations about of the Commission of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation to resolve the conflict of interests during conduction of medical activities and pharmaceutical activities"

Reminder - what you need to know about corruption

The presentation was prepared on the basis of the review of the recommendations of the Ministry of labor of Russia for implementing measures to prevent officials from behavior that would be perceived as a promise of a bribe or offering a bribe or consent to accept a bribe or as a request of giving a bribe

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