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Today: 14.03.2025 г.

Our achievements

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Our achievements

GBUZ RM «MRTSKB» is the largest state multi - specialty medical institution in the Republic, providing specialized medical care in the main areas of surgery, therapy, neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology, including high-tech, as well as consultative and diagnostic assistance to residents of the Republic of Mordovia and surrounding regions.

Highly qualified specialists and modern medical equipment of the STATE medical INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia allow US to be the leading medical institution of the Republic of Mordovia.

One of the components of the successful operation of the hospital is a combination of the best traditions of domestic medicine and the active introduction of innovative medical technologies.

thanks to modern equipment and highly qualified specialists, new, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment have been introduced and widely used.

X - ray Department is equipped with modern equipment, which is the only research in the Republic of Mordovia-CT determination of coronary calcium, CT coronarography, Mr-enterography with contrast and 3D images, Mr - mammography with contrast and graphs of contrast accumulation, Mr-urography with contrast and determination of excretory kidney function with 3D images, MRI of temporomandibular joints. Up to 22,000 studies are conducted per year.

Clinical and diagnostic laboratory is the largest and most modern equipped laboratory in the Republic. Research is being conducted on the equipment of the expert class.

MRCCB provides high-tech medical care in 8 profiles: neurosurgery, traumatology and orthopedics, urology, otorhinolaryngology, maxillofacial surgery, cardiovascular surgery, neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology. Over the past year, about 1000 patients were operated on.

In traumatology:

In cardiovascular surgery:

In neurosurgery:

In urology:

In maxillofacial surgery - plastic surgery for congenital and acquired defects and deformities of the maxillofacial region

In neonatology - nursing of newborns weighing up to 1500 grams, including children with extremely low body weight up to 1000 grams, multicomponent therapy of respiratory disorders, congenital pneumonia, severe cerebral pathology of newborns

In obstetrics and gynecology - surgical organ-preserving and reconstructive plastic treatment of common forms of giant tumors using laparoscopic and combined approaches with immunohistochemical examination of removed tissues.

The intensive care unit has implemented the latest technique - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation - a procedure for prolonged extracorporeal circulation, used in patients with acute and potentially reversible respiratory, cardiac or cardiorespiratory insufficiency, when standard methods are ineffective.

In the dialysis Department - extended renal replacement therapy: citrate-calcium hemodialysis, program outpatient hemodialysis, hemofiltration,ultrafiltration, hemodiafiltration.

The perinatal center is one of 20 unique modern perinatal centers built within the framework of the national project "Health", equipped with modern medical equipment.

the objectives of the center are to fully cover the family planning cycle, from conception to postpartum care.

The Perinatal center provides:

the staff of the hospital has a creative, scientific and practical potential that allows us to solve new problems to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care, the introduction of innovative medical technologies in practice, which will contribute to improving the health of the population of the Republic of Mordovia.


the award is presented:

The medal for contribution to the world Cup was established by the head of the Republic of Moldova by a special decree of June 26, 2018 for active participation in the preparation and holding of the 2018 world Cup.

For many years of conscientious work and achievements in professional activities, the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation awarded The Certificate of honor:

for many years Of conscientious work, Thanks to the Minister of health of the Russian Federation:

for many years Of conscientious work with the certificate Of Honor of the Minister of health of the Republic of Moldova:


For many years of conscientious work in the health care system of the Republic of Mordovia, active participation in activities to improve the quality of health care as well as for their contribution to the protection of public health and a high level of professional skill diploma of the state Assembly RM:

For many years of conscientious work, a great contribution to the health of the population of the Republic, The gratitude of the Chairman of the state Assembly of the Republic of Moldova was awarded:

for services to public health, for an invaluable contribution to the organization and provision of high-quality medical services and many years of conscientious work in the health system of the Republic of Mordovia with The Certificate Of Honor of the Association of doctors of the Republic of Moldova:

For many years of conscientious work and achievements in professional activities, the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation awarded The Certificate of honor:

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