The most frequently asked questions about the prevention of coronavirus infection
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What are coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses, which are mainly striking in animals, but in some cases can be transmitted to humans. Usually, diseases caused by coronaviruses, proceed in an easy manner, not causing severe symptoms. However, there are severe forms, such as middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars).
What are the symptoms of the disease caused by a novel coronavirus?
- Feeling tired
- Shortness of breath
- High temperature
- Cough and / or sore throat
- Symptoms in many respects are similar to many respiratory diseases that often mimic the common cold, can resemble the flu.
If you have similar symptoms, think about the following:
You have visited in the last two weeks in high-risk areas (countries, which recorded many cases of coronavirus infection)?
You have been in contact with someone who has visited in the last two weeks in high-risk areas (countries, which recorded many cases of coronavirus infection)?
If the answer to these questions is positive symptoms should be treated with the utmost care.
How is coronavirus?
Like other respiratory viruses, coronavirus is spread through droplets that are formed when an infected person coughs or sneezes. In addition, it can spread when someone touches any contaminated surfaces such as door handles. People become infected when they touch contaminated hands of the mouth, nose or eyes.
Initially, the outbreak occurred from the animals, presumably the source of the seafood market in Wuhan, where there was an active trade, not only fish but also other animals such as marmots, snakes and bats.
How to protect yourself from being infected with coronavirus?
Samy important thing you can do to protect yourself is to keep clean hands and surfaces.
Keep hands clean, wash them often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
Also avoid touching mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands (such as those touching unconsciously done us an average of 15 times per hour).
Carry sanitizer for your hands, so in any situation you can clean your hands.
Always wash your hands before eating.
Be especially careful when you are in crowded places, airports and other public transport systems. Minimize touching in such places, surfaces and objects, and do not touch the face.
Carry disposable wipes and always cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze and always dispose of them after use.
Do not eat food (nuts, chips, cookies and other snacks) of the common packages or utensils if other people dipped their fingers.
Welcome avoid handshakes and kisses on the cheek, while the epidemiological situation is not stabiliziruemost.
At work, regularly clean the surface and the device, which you touch (keyboard of the computer panel of the office equipment General use of the smartphone screen, remote controls, door handles and handrails).
How to wear a medical mask?
1. Gently close your nose and mouth with a mask and secure it to reduce the gap between face and mask.
2. Do not touch the mask during use. After touching a used mask, for example, to remove it, wash your hands.
3. Once the mask becomes wet or contaminated, put on new clean, dry mask.
4. Do not reuse disposable masks. They should be discarded after each use and disposed of immediately after removal.
What you can do at home?
Telle children about the prevention of coronavirus.
Explain to the children how germs spread and the importance of good hand hygiene and face.
Make sure that each family has their own towel, recall that you can't share toothbrushes and other personal hygiene items.
Ventilate the room frequently.
Is it possible to cure the new coronavirus?
Yes, of course. However, there is no specific antiviral drug against a new coronavirus - just as there is no specific treatment for most other respiratory viruses that cause colds.
Viral pneumonia, the main and most dangerous complication of coronavirus infection cannot be treated with antibiotics. In the case of pneumonia - the treatment is aimed at maintaining lung function.
Who is at risk?
People of all ages at risk of becoming infected with the virus. In a statement, public health Commission Wuhan said that the age of 60 of the most recent cases is from 15 to 88 years.
However, as with most other viral respiratory diseases, children and people over 65, people with weakened immune systems - are at risk of severe disease.
Is there a vaccine for the new coronavirus?
Currently, this vaccine is not, however, in a number of countries, including in Russia, research organizations of Rospotrebnadzor has already begun its development.
What is the difference between the coronavirus and the flu virus?
Coronavirus and influenza can have similar symptoms, but genetically they are completely different.
Influenza viruses multiply very quickly - symptoms can appear within two to three days after infection, but coronavirus is required for this to 14 days.
How to identify the presence of coronavirus?
Timely diagnosis is one of the most important events in the event of threats redness.tion and spread of the novel coronavirus in Russia. Research organizations of Rospotrebnadzor in less than 7 days after the appearance of information about the structure of genes of the novel coronavirus developed two diagnostic kits for determining the presence of a virus in the human body. Kits based on molecular-genetic method of study, the so-called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Using this method gives test systems a significant advantage. The first is a high sensitivity, using the developed test systems it is possible to detect single copy virus-free. The second - to diagnose diseases there is no need to take away the blood, it is enough to take a cotton swab sample from the nasopharynx. The third is the result of the analysis can be received in 2-4 hours. Diagnostic laboratory Rospotrebnadzora across Russia have necessary equipment and specialists for the use of the developed diagnostic tools.
Clean and disinfect surfaces using household cleaning products.
Hand hygiene is an important measure for preventing the spread of influenza and coronavirus infection. Wash with soap and water removes the virus. If it is not possible to wash hands with soap and water, use alcohol-containing disinfectant or wipes.
Cleaning and regular disinfection of surfaces (tables, doorknobs, chairs, gadgets, etc.) removes viruses.
The virus is transmitted from infected person to a healthy airborne droplets (sneezing, coughing), so it is necessary to observe a distance of at least 1 metre away from patients.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Influenza virus and coronavirus propagated on these paths.
Wear a mask or use other available remedies to reduce the risk of disease.
When you cough, sneeze should prikryvats mouth and nose with disposable wipes, which after use must be discarded.
Avoiding unnecessary travel and visits to crowded places, you can reduce the risk of disease.
A healthy lifestyle increases the body's resistance to infection. Follow a healthy routine including good sleep, consumption of foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, physical activity.
Among other means of preventing occupies a special place wearing masks, thanks to limiting the spread of the virus.
Medical masks for respiratory protection use:
- when visiting places of a mass congestion of people, travelling on public transport during the growth of acute respiratory viral infections;
- when caring for patients with acute respiratory viral infections;
- when communicating with persons with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection;
- at risk of infection with other infections transmitted by airborne droplets.
Masks can have a different design. They can be disposable or can be used repeatedly. There are masks that are 2, 4, 6 hours. The cost of these masks is different, due to the different impregnation. But not all the time be one and the same mask, thus you can infect twice themselves. Which side inside wear a medical mask - not fundamentally.
To protect yourself from contamination is extremely important to wear:
- the mask should be carefully secured, tightly closed mouth and nose, leaving no gaps;
- try not to touch the surfaces of the mask during removal, if you just touched it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or an alcohol remedy;
- wet or damp mask should change into new, dry;
- do not use a second disposable mask;
- used disposable mask should be immediately discard.
When caring for patients, after contact with a sick person, the mask must be immediately removed. After removal of the mask must immediately and thoroughly wash hands.
The mask is appropriate if you are in a place of a mass congestion of people, in public transport, as well as in the care of patients, but it is impractical outdoors.
While staying on the street is useful to breathe fresh air and wearing a mask is not necessary.
However, doctors remind that this single measure does not provide full protection from disease. In addition to wearing masks is necessary to comply with other preventive measures.
Stay home and to seek medical attention immediately.
Follow the doctor's instructions, rest and drink plenty of fluids.
WHAT are the SYMPTOMS of INFLUENZA/CORONAVIRUS INFECTION high body temperature, chills, headache, weakness, nasal congestion, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, conjunctivitis. In some cases may be symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Among the leading complications of viral pneumonia. The deterioration in viral pneumonia is rapid, and in many patients within 24 hours of developing respiratory failure, requiring immediate respiratory support with mechanical ventilation. Fast treatment helps to alleviate the severity of the disease.
Call a physician.
Highlight the patient a separate room in the house. If eit is not possible, observe a distance of at least 1 meter from the patient.
Limit to a minimum the contact between the patient and loved ones, especially children, elderly people and persons suffering from chronic diseases.
Ventilate the room frequently.
Keep it pure, as often as you can wash and disinfect the surface of the detergents.
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Caring for a sick, cover your mouth and nose with a mask or other protective means (handkerchief, scarf, etc.).A carer should only one member of the family.