About the basic principles of quarantine at home
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As you know, the coronavirus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact. In order COVID-19 does not spread further, the citizens who have had contact with sick or those who have returned from a trip or was on a business trip, you must report your return to headquarters for the fight against coronavirus infection in your region and observe quarantine at home in 14 days. If you were in the countries affected COVID-19 together with friends or family, it is possible to observe a joint two-week quarantine in the same room or apartment.
What does it mean?
- Do not leave the house the entire period of quarantine, even in order to get the parcel to buy food or throw away trash;
- possible located in a separate room;
- use separate utensils, personal hygiene products, linens and towels;
- buy groceries and necessary household goods remotely online or by using volunteers;
- avoid contact with members of his family or other persons;
- use personal protective equipment and disinfectants (mask, alcohol wipes).
Why 14 days?
Two weeks of quarantine in duration correspond to the incubation period of coronavirus infection, when the disease may manifest first symptoms.
What you have to do during the quarantine?
- wash hands with soap and water or antiseptics to treat skin - before eating, before contact with mucous membranes of eyes, mouth, nose, after using the toilet;
- regularly to air a premise and to spend damp cleaning with use of household chemicals with detergent or detergent-disinfectant effect.
What to do with the trash?
The trash needs to be Packed in double garbage bags durable, close tightly and put beyond sqartery. To dispose of this garbage, you ask friends, acquaintances or volunteers.
How to keep in touch with friends and family?
You can chat with your friends and family using video and audio communication over the Internet, the main thing not to leave home until then, until the end of the quarantine.
What if the first symptoms of the disease?
If you notice the first symptoms COVID-19 you must immediately report this to the clinic.
Who's watching those who are quarantined? They take tests for coronavirus?
To monitor the presence of quarantine can be used by electronic and technical means of control.
For everyone who is in quarantine, are under medical surveillance at home and a daily measure temperature. On the 10 day quarantine, the doctors make a selection of material for research on COVID-19 (a swab from the nose or oropharynx).
How to get sick for a period of quarantine?
While you are in quarantine mode at home, you open the certificate for incapacity for work for two weeks. To get sick do not come to the clinic, it can be ordered by phone and it delivered to the house.
What will happen to those who did not comply or violated the quarantine?
In violation of the quarantine, the person is placed in infectious hospital.
How to understand that the quarantine is over?
Quarantine at home is completed after 14 days of isolation, if there are no signs of the disease, as well as on the basis of negative results of laboratory studies of material collected on the 10 day quarantine.