Information for the public about coronaviruses infection
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Where can I get information on the current situation on COVID-19?
- In the world – official sites who and epidemiology
- In Russia – the official website of Rospotrebnadzor
- In some regions of Russia – official sites of territorial authorities in the subject of the Russian Federation
Which countries are not recommended to visit in connection with COVID-19?
The CPS was informed about the existence of a threat to the safety of life and health in connection with the distribution of COVID-19 in 4 countries:
- China (24.01.2020)
- South Korea
- Iran
- Italy (26.02.2020)
The CPS and Rostourism didn't recommend visiting these countries to stabilize the epidemiological situation on COVID-19.
Publish these recommendations on the official websites of departments allows citizens to request modification or termination of the contract about realization of tourist product in case of planning travel to these countries, including in the pretrial order (article 10 of Law No. 132-FZ "About bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation")
What symptoms are observed in patients with COVID-19?
Main symptoms:
- The fever in >90% of cases
- Cough (dry or with small amount of sputum) in 80% of cases
- Dyspnoea in 55% of cases
- A feeling of tightness in the chest or in >20% of cases
Rare symptoms are:
- headache (8%)
- hemoptysis (5%)
- diarrhea (3%)
- nausea, vomiting
- Heartbeat
These symptoms in the onset of infection can occur in the absence of fever.">What complications can be after a coronavirus infection?
When COVID-19 may experience the following complications:
- Sinusitis
- Pneumonia
- Bronchitis
- Acute respiratory failure
- Pulmonary edema
- Sepsis
- Toxic shock
Epidemiological characteristics COVID-19
When COVID-19 may experience the following complications:
- Source of infection: sick people, including those in the incubation period.
- Incubation period: from 2 to 14 days
- Mortality rate: 3,6%.
- 30 Jan 2020 flash COVID-19 recognized by the who emergency of public health of international importance.
- March 11, 2020, the who Director-General of Tedros Ghebreyesus, who announced the pandemic COVID-19.
Routes of transmission:
- airborne droplets (coughing, sneezing, talking),
- air-dust (with dust particles in the air),
- contact (via handshake, household items)
Transfer factors:
- the air (main),
- food and household items, contaminated with the virus.
What tests you take to diagnose the infection?
The material for the study are:
- main - a swab from the nose and/or oropharynx;
- additional washings of the bronchi, (endo)tracheal, nasopharyngeal aspirate, sputum, biopsy or autopsy lung material, whole blood, blood serum, urine, feces.
Diagnosis is molecular genetic methods (polymerase chain reaction, PCR).
A study by polymerase chain reaction is performed for 4 hours, but you should consider the transport time of biological material in the laboratory.
Currently in Russia used was the domestic test system for the detection of coronavirus, which have a high sensitivity and specificity.
Where can you get tested for coronavirus?
Independent testing for coronavirus is not provided.
Screening for COVID-19 assigned medical personnel in the event of:
- arrival from epidemiologically disadvantaged by COVID-19 countries and regions in the 14 days before symptom onset ;
- the presence of close contacts for the last 14 days with persons under observation at COVID-19, which subsequently fell ill;
- the presence of close contacts for the last 14 days with persons who have laboratory confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19.
Sampling for the analysis of implementing a medical worker.
The study of the samples is held in the Center of hygiene and epidemiology in subjects of the Russian Federation.
In private medical research organizations in COVID-19 is not carried out.
What you need to do to avoid that?
- Avoid travelling to countries where they are recorded cases of a new coronavirus infection.
- Avoid contact with people who have symptoms of flu and colds (nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, etc.).
- Avoid places of a mass congestion of people.
- As often as possible wash your hands with soap and water. In the absence of access to water and soap use disposable alcohol wipes or moisturizing wipes.
- Touch the face and eyes only recently washed hands or a disposable cloth.
- If possible – do not touch the knobs, railings and other items and powerthe surfaces in public places and restrict handshakes, kisses and hugs.
- Wear a disposable medical mask in public places and transport.
- Regularly ventilate the room in which are.
- Make regular wet cleaning in the room where you are.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, eat balanced and exercise regularly.
What you need to do in order not to infect others?
- If signs of SARS stay home and call the doctor. Minimize contact with other people.
- Use of disposable medical mask. If there is no mask when coughing and sneezing cover your mouth with a disposable handkerchief or tissue. If possible, cover your mouth area of the elbow.
- Do not cover mouth with hands when coughing and sneezing, as it contributes to the spread of the virus. If it is impossible – immediately wash your hands with soap and water or carefully wipe them off with a disposable alcohol wipes or a moisturizing hygienic wipes.
- Used handkerchiefs and napkins throw away in the trash cans.
On what basis is the isolation and hospitalization of infected persons or persons suspected COVID-19?
The restrictive measures carried out in accordance with the Resolutions of the Chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation:
from 31.01.2020 No. 3 "About carrying out additional sanitary and antiepidemic (preventive) actions to prevent the introduction and spread of novel coronavirus infection caused by 2019-nCoV"
from 02.03.2020 No. 5 "On additional measures to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV)".
/ministry/covid19#collapse15">what are the characteristics of a quarantine?
All citizens who arrived in Russia from China, the Republic of Korea and Iran should be isolated at the place of residence for a period of 14 days.
All arrived established medical surveillance. The number of doctor visits is determined individually in each case during the period of quarantine.
If you have symptoms of SARS, people should immediately seek medical help without visiting medical institutions.
Medical care for all patients and persons with suspected COVID-19 is free of charge.
The legislation does not provide compensation for the difference between sick pay and the actual salary, if the person was quarantined.
Can relatives visit a patient in the hospital and to bring food and stuff?
- During the period of isolation of patient visit is forbidden to prevent the spread of infection.
- Patients in hospital can use mobile phone and other communication means for communicating with relatives.
- Relatives can transfer patients food and personal items, however, there are a number of limitations that need to be clarified in the help Desk of the hospital.
As klassificeret cases COVID-19?
Suspicious case:
- the clinical manifestations of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia combined with the following data of the epidemiological anamnesis:
- visit 14 days before the onset of symptoms epidemiologically disadvantaged by COVID-19 countries and regions;
- the existence of close contacts for the last 14 days with persons under observation at COVID-19, which subsequently fell ill;
- the closex contacts for the last 14 days with persons who have laboratory confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19.
Confirmed case:
- A positive laboratory result for the presence of RNA of SARS-CoV-2 by polymerase chain reaction, regardless of clinical manifestations.
When you discharge from hospital?
Extract patients with suspected COVID-19 permitted if:
- the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease;
- after 14 days from the date of departure from disadvantaged areas or since the last contact with patients with novel coronavirus infection;
- obtaining double negative laboratory result for the presence of RNA of SARS-CoV-2 by PCR at intervals of not less than 1 day.
Extract patients with laboratory confirmed diagnosis COVID-19 permitted if:
- the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease;
- obtaining double negative laboratory result for the presence of RNA of SARS-CoV-2 by PCR at intervals of not less than 1 day.